Nordisk Panorama News
January 2016
NP Nomadic Office: Project Consultancy at Tempo
At Tempo Documentary Festival taking place 7-13 March 2016, Nordisk Panorama will again this year offer individual project consultancy regarding Nordic and international financing of documentaries.
Swedish filmmakers with new documentary projects will have the opportunity to get feedback on their project’s Nordic/international potential as well as tips for further development and possible financiers. A limited number of projects will get consultancy. The consultations will take place Tuesday and Wednesday 8-9 March according to individual appointments.
Deadline for submission of projects: 18 February 2016. Read more on how to apply here.
Meet Us at GIFF, in Tromsø & Clermont-Ferrand
Director Søren Poulsen is visting Tromsø 20-25 January for Tromsø International Film Festival to meet with Norwegian industry professionals and scout for interesting opportunities for our Norwegian focus at Nordisk Panorama – Nordic Short & Doc Film Festival 2016. He will also attend the Arctic financing forum Below ZERO and promote our streaming service Nordisk Panorama Market Online to relevant market professionals.
Market Coordinator Maria Stoianova will attend Göteborg International Film Festival 30-31 January.
Market Manager Jing Haase will be in Clermont-Ferrand from 7-11 February for Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival & Market. Besides promoting Nordisk Panorama to an ever expanding network of professionals, Jing is present in Clermont-Ferrand to promote the Nordic shorts & docs at our streaming service Nordisk Panorama Market Online, available for free to buyers, sales agents and festivals on the look-out for high quality Nordic content.
All five Nordic countries are represented with a film in competition at Clermont-Ferrand. See the list of films here.
To reach Søren, send him an email or call him at +45 2636 4408. To set up a meeting with Jing, send her an email or contact her at +45 3132 0212.
Discount to Hot Docs with the Nordic Delegation
Registration for North America’s top doc event Hot Docs in Toronto, Canada will open on 26 January! Nordisk Panorama is coordinating the Nordic delegation to Hot Docs, securing Nordic professionals value-for-money access.
Nordic participants can sign up for the Nordic delegation by 17 March 2016 and get a discounted all access pass for only CAD 600 ex. tax (early-bird price CAD 795)! Read more on how to be part of the delegation here. Discount available while supplies last, so the sooner you register the better the chances.
More Clips from Nordisk Panorama 2015 Online
Check out our newly added clips from some of last year’s highlights such as Jóhann Jóhannsson’s Masterclass, a talk with artist Kitty Von-Sometime and a walking tour of Malmö’s train station with an exhibition from artist Tania Ruiz, among others.
Click here to see more.
Be Our Intern to Nordisk Panorama Market
Do you want to get a unique insight into the Nordic short and documentary film world? Do you want to be part of the top professional team behind the international market place at Nordisk Panorama?
Then you could be just the intern we are looking for to join our team for the preparations of Nordisk Panorama Market happening in September 2016.
From our Copenhagen office you will be working closely with the Market team as well as liaise with all other departments of the festival.
Deadline for application: 1 February. Read the full job ad here.
DOK.Incubator Calls for Feature Docs in Rough-cut Stage
The rough-cut workshop DOK.Incubator has just launched their call for participants. The deadline is coming up in just a month on 22 February.
During the five–month long mentorship by internationally experienced tutors documentary teams will get the chance to develop their film from the rough-cut stage to release and test new ideas to tell their story.
Teams of a producer-director-editor of 8 participating films will during 3 workshops focus the film’s topic and sharpen the storytelling, realizing there is always another way to tell the story, get a wider perspective to see the film in the international market and concrete tools to effectively approach future audience. Intensive editing, distribution and audience building work upgrades your rough-cut to high-end film to meet a worldwide interest.
Find more info and apply here.
Al Jazeera America to Close Down
Al Jazeera America will shutter its cable TV and digital operations by 30 April 2016. The decision by the AJAM board was “driven by the fact that our business model is simply not sustainable in light of the economic challenges in the U.S. media marketplace,” said AJAM CEO Al Anstey.
The announcement of AJAM’s closure coincides with a decision by its global parent company to commit to a significant expansion of its worldwide digital operations into the U.S. market.
“As audiences increasingly turn to multiple platforms, including mobile devices, for news and information, this expansion will allow U.S. and non-U.S. consumers alike to access the network’s journalism and content wherever and whenever they want,” the Al Jazeera Media Network said in a statement.
Despite its initial struggle for TV ratings, the newcomer network was quickly and repeatedly recognized by its industry peers for the excellence of its journalism. Within months of launching, AJAM began collecting prestigious prizes — Peabody, Emmy, Gracie, Eppy, DuPont awards and more.
Anstey said AJAM made slow but steady progress in recent months in growing its audience. He vowed that AJAM would maintain its standards of excellence until it goes dark.
Names in the News
Who’s where now. Here are some of the headlines about names in the news:
Nordic Award Winners of 2015
Nordic short films and documentaries take home awards all over the world. Check out the Nordic short and doc award winners of 2015 here. If your film receives an award this year, please let us know.
Dates & Deadlines Coming Up
Don’t be late! Find upcoming international deadlines for shorts & docs festivals, workshops, funding opportunities and much more here!