dok.elevator at Nordisk Panorama
dok.elevator is a new intensive five-day training programme tailored to the needs of Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian producers with international ambitions. Dok.elevator has been developed through the collaboration of Nordisk Panorama with the established training programme dok.incubator. The workshop starts its third edition this year and brings upcoming Nordic talents a new perspective and new knowledge on how to effectively navigate today’s constantly changing documentary market.
Seven selected young producers and directors start at Ystad Studios, with two days of strategizing, deep analysis of the potential of the projects and their positioning in the international market. Then they move to Nordisk Panorama, where they will get an exclusive insight into the backstage of the Forum, the Market and dok.incubator preview, and will learn how to use these efficiently and to their advantage.
The programme has been developed in cooperation with Film i Skane, the Finnish Film Foundation and Midtnorsk Filmsenter.