Forum Programme 2019
Sunday 22 September
09:00-15:00 Producers Meet Producers (for selected producers)
13:30-14:30 Presentation of the Nordic film institutes
14:30-15:00 Presentation of the delegation’s production landscape
12:30-17:00 Pitch teams’ individual meetings with moderators
14:00-17:00 Trailer test for pitch teams
18:30-19:45 Meet the Decision-Makers of NP Forum
20:00 Decision-Makers’ Dinner (only with prior registration)
20:00 Joint Dinner at St. Markus Vinkällare (only with prior registration)
Monday 23 September
09:00-11:00 Welcome to Nordisk Panorama Forum
1st pitching session
11:20-13:00 2nd pitching session
14:20-18:00 Individual meetings, pre-booked by the forum staff
18:00-20:00 NP Happy Hour
Tuesday 24 September
09:00-10:40 3rd pitching session
11:00-12:45 4th pitching session
14:00-17:40 Individual meetings, pre-booked by the forum staff
19:00-01:00 Closing of the 30th Nordisk Panorama