Too Much Information

Good comedic films are notoriously rare, but this programme of 8 short films contains some great examples that are guaranteed to provide a laugh or two. And while humour is present throughout, serious themes are explored that could be relevant to any of us. Such as what to do when a group of sex cult devil worshippers moves into your apartment block, and what to say when your best friend starts telling you about her problems with her vagina.

Programmer’s note: Funny stuff, with some out-there animation and a Finnish crowd-pleaser about a sex cult.

You are welcome to buy THE SUNDAY SHORT FILM PASS (125 SEK). It is valid for all short film programmes at Cinema Spegeln on 24 September and available at


This Film Package features:

Angry Hamster
The Ceiling
Social Connection
Wide Sargasso Sea
Meaningless Conversations in Beautiful Environments
Fucking Bunnies