Shortcuts: Morning Flight Breakfast Screening
Bags packed, online check-in complete, boarding cards printed; make yourself comfortable for an in-flight screening where you needn’t worry about turbulence, the seatbelt sign or screaming babies sitting next to you. This morning’s journey will take you to a range of destination through an eclectic mix of short films. Featuring André Chocron’s charming documentary charting tales of living in Oslo, Jani Kauta’s experimental sensory film exploring the strange phenomenon of having an itch in your brain, and Bacchus, Rikke Alma Krogshave Planeta’s sensual animated trip into one woman’s consciousness full of lust and desire. Breakfast is included. Limited seating, ticket required
This year, Nordisk Panorama is proud to team up with SAS to distribute Nordic short films in the air. The programme Short Cuts will be on display on the SAS InFlight programme on all Nordic flights between September and October 2018.
Breakfast included and available for pick up at Spegeln Airport between 09.00-09.15, screening takes off at 09.30
More info about the films further down: