Nordisk Panorama Winners 2014
Nordisk Panoramas Publikpris
Malmöpublikens favoritfilm blev The Optimists by Gunhild Westhagen Magnor
Priset, 25.000 är sponsrat av Malmö Stad.
Best Nordic Documentary Award
Vinnare: Salóme av Yrsa Roca Fannberg
Motivering: The jury chooses to recognize a film whose simplicity creates a heartbreaking immediacy, and belies a complex and expertly crafted vision of how performance and staging in documentary can reveal the deepest emotional authenticity. Through an always fascinating filmic relationship between mother and daughter, we take a journey from trauma to understanding and grace, with moments of bittersweet humour. The winner of the 2014 Best Nordic Documentary Award is Salóme by Yrsa Roca Fannberg.
Jury: Charlotte Cook, Hot Docs (Canada), Claudia Rodríguez Valencia, RTVC (Colombia), Joshua Oppenheimer, Winner 2013 (Denmark)
Om priset: The Best Nordic Documentary Award delas ut av juryn till en av filmerna i tävlan, priset är elva tusen euro sponsrat av de fem nordiska public service-bolagen DR, YLE, RUV, NRK och SVT.
Hedersomnämnande: Santra and the Talking Trees by Miia Tervo
Motivering: The special mention goes to a film that combines animation and archive footage, personal voice-over and music, all to precise and visionary effect, with a filmmaker fully in control over her craft. We felt invited to share a lovely intimacy with a storyteller who uses breathtaking staccato imagery, combinations of sound and picture that are unimaginable yet illuminating, and a muscular naughtiness that resists sentimentality. We are excited to discover a major new voice in filmmaking. The Documentary Jury Honorary Mention goes to Santra and the Talking Trees by Miia Tervo.
Best Nordic Short Film Award
Vinnare: Wayward av Kira Richards Hansen
Motivering: A successful short movie, despite its length, reveals a world of its own and is able to draw the spectator into it. We were pulled into this story thanks to an intriguing character who defies the system and fights to find where she belongs. This lonesome cowboy seduced us by his complexity, vulnerability and fierceness. It’s a classical drama that challenges the notion of gender in a profound way, a film that explores darkness while instilling hope in the spectator.
A film carried by an exceptional performance that kept us on the edge of our seats. The 2014 award for Best Nordic Short Film goes to Wayward by Kira Richards Hansen.
Jury: Iris Brey, Semaine de la Critique (France), Samir Karahoda, DokuFest (Kosovo), Jenifer Malmqvist, Winner 2013 (Sweden)
Om priset: Prissumman sju tusen euro är sponsorad av de nordiska regissörsföreningarna Danish Film Directors, Directors Guild of Finland, Guild of Icelandic Film Directors, Norwegian Film Makers Association och Swedish Film Directors.
Vinnaren av Best Nordic Short Film blir även kvalificerad till en nominering i kortfilmskategorin på the Annual Academy Awards®, förutsatt att filmen uppfyller galans övriga regler.
Hedersomnämnande: Still Born av Åsa Sandzén
Motivering: The Jury decided to award a special mention to a film that surpasses the established conventions of filmmaking by mixing documentary and animation. The film courageously deals with a heavy topic, not often addressed, in a modest and honest way. The special mention goes to Still Born by Åsa Sandzén.
Best New Nordic Voice Award
Vinnare: Carl & Niels av Alexander Lind
Motivering: We all have to wrestle with our identity in life. But when that struggle becomes inseparable from another persons struggle, the plot thickens. The winner of this year’s New Nordic Voices Award takes this struggle to another level, when portraying the close, sometimes claustrophobic relationship between two siblings. By placing the two protagonists opposite each other in a minimalist setting, the filmmakers make a bold decision that pays off. Instead of becoming an immovable standoff, the story of their lives deepens and becomes a fascinating and original journey through a complicated brotherhood. There is joy and playfulness in the relationship, but also violence and danger lurking underneath. We get a clear sense that something is at stake and we never know what is going to happen next.
In this, the jury was in no doubt: The Danish film Carl & Niels stands out as a more than accomplished piece of filmmaking, and makes us curious about the filmmakers next move. In other words: a new voice to be reckoned with.
Jury: Ulla Simonen, DocPoint (Finland, Kjetil Lismoen, Rushprint (Norway), Ása Hjörleifsdóttir, New Nordic Voice 2013 (Iceland)
Om priset: Priset delas ut till en av nordens nya och lovande regissörer. Prissumman 3500 euro sponsras av Film i Skåne, Film i Väst, Filmpool Nord och Icelandic Film Centre.